Thursday 19 August 2010

What do I learn in my past term?

During the past terms, I think that I learn many thinks, and the most exciting is that this knowledge contributed in my future laboral life, and more important (for me), in my personal life.
This knowledge are related to my life vision. I thing that in this faculty is very difficult to be a catholic person, because many people talk against Catholic Church, and many times my vision of life has been affected for the things that my friends, teachers, partners says. The past semester, I learn that not all the people have the same life experience than me, and beside, like me, catholic church can make mistakes, because it`s conform by people, humans; and that the important is learn of us mistakes.
For another way, the experience in Dichato, teach me many things negatives too, like the politics and economic interest are affecting to Dichato`s people, but in opposite to this, I leran too that the union make the strength: That if we create a community, with interests in common, we can fight for them.
I learn in a curse with my partners that we can express our feelings and ideas by means of the words, songs, and through our body, dancing, and isn`t necessary use a choreography for do it.

Thursday 12 August 2010

blogs topics

Hi, well, in first place will like to say hello, and suggest some topic that are very interesting for my:
- Favourites sport: This, because when we are studying, we don’t have many time for ourselves, so in consequence, there is not many occasions were we can do some sport.
- Places that we like to travel: In my case, I don’t have enough money and time to know the places that I will like to know, wish are in general in other countries, and more, in other continents, so I will like to know what is the case of my partners.
- Our favourites places (that we already knows): In think that I don`t know many places, so I will like to know this paces by means of my partners.