Friday 23 April 2010

Twilight saga

Well I must to admit that I’m a twilight fan, I think that I have seen this movie like a ten different times, the same append with new moon. This is the first time that I am a fan of something, so this is new to me. I am a little obsessed with this movie, especially with the book. I think that this happened to me because I like the love stories, and twilight saga is it, pure love and unconditional. This love is dangerous, because Edward (the principal personage), is a vampire and wish the Bella’s blood like no other, Bella is his how marc of heroine. The beautiful of this is that Edward love her so mach, that contain his wish of drink the Bella’s blood, for be with her, the same as Bella, she love him so much that she can risk is how life for be with him too, she love hem inclusive knowing that he`s a vampire, she sacrifice her soul for be with him for all the eternity (I now that this kind of love is impossible in the real life, but dream isn’t prohibited).

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