Thursday 11 November 2010

Mapuche Conflict

Hi, how are you? Well I hope that fine.
Dear classmates, I have to accept that I don`t know much about this topic, not because I don’t think that is interesting, but I been don’t have enough time to inform myself. This can be a problem on the moment to talk about Mapuche Conflict, but I´m going to do the best I can.
For what I know, they are asking solutions for these problems, the most important is that a long time ago, the Chilean state stole them their lands, and now they are asking that his land turn back.
But this is not the most important, because from the 80`constitution, this kind of protest turns to be considerate like terrorism act, all this because Pinochet was worried in take care the private property most that in the people necessity.
This thing isn´t too much estranged, but the idea that this kind of law continuing working is disagreeable, I mean, I thought that concetacion was worried about the people needs, not only of the  money.   
I think that always is important to talk to resolve the problems, but I don´t know if to Piñera president is important the Mapuches welfare. Actually, I think that the most important for him is to get the confidence of the world, now that many stupid people turn to believe In him for the miners thing, is notebook is about obtain the confidence of the rest of the world (for example when he show up the paper that say: “Estamos bien en el refugio los 33”.
Finally, if I am in the correct, I think that Mapuches should continuing fighting for they ask, until they be really listen In consequence, I think that the first step must be from the government, because is the stated how must to gave.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paola, I agree with you. The Chilean State doesn’t work seriously. The 33’s miners were helped very fast because they were a very good marketing campaign. On the other hand, Mapuche’s people today, is not a good business.
