Friday 28 May 2010


In the actuality is very important use the technology and I have a big curiosity about the new invents of technology, but I think that my problem in this sense is that I don´t know how used, so in this moment, my technologic pieces more important are the cell phone, and DVD:
The first one, because I need to be in contact with my family, friends, partners, etc, and also because I use my cell phone like a music player (I don´t have mp3), and also used like a digital camera, because my real photographic camera is broken.
The second one is because like I am a twilight fans, every moment that I don´t have nothing to do, I watch the movie over and over again and when I don’t want to see it, I watch any other movie. For that is that I think that one of my favorites hobbies is watch movies, and in consequence, I think that I should agree the TV, it is because when I`m not studying, watching movies, or in the church, I am watching the television: Comedies (Martin Rivas), or TV shows, like “Calle 7”. The good think of this is that this objects you can get it in many places, is not difficult obtain it, like in the market, in the shopping, on stores, etc.
Finally, like you can see, I am not a technologic person. I thing that the cell phone, TV, OR DVD, are not too much difficult to find it, so I Think that in this sense, I am very simple and easy to please.

Friday 14 May 2010

My favorite web site is because in this one, the professional talk about the problems that affect to Chilean education . I found this web site because many teacher that I have talk about it, like professor Rodrigo Sanchez in the subject “Understanding of the social environment”, and for another side, in the general course “Chilean educational politic in the 9o`s” (My professor used like bibliography).
This web site have a critic vision about the education of this country, using the methodology: quantitative, qualitative, but above all, the critical. The last one is the more important por me because we can realize of what the big elite hide to us, or why, in really we will use the SIMCE test for measure what the students are learning.
In one document, for example with my partners can realize of what happended the day of the earthquake, the bad communication that was between SHOA and FFAA, why the people receive help so late, the consequences in the politic, the lies, and son many thinks that happened on 27th February.
This web site is very important for all of us because like future professional on the education we must have a critic vision, we must be reflexive about our social context and don`t be victims of the market system in education.